And thank you for taking the time to read a little about parcelandpart.
About me, the artist:
The name is derived from the saying "part and parcel" as my works are comprised of smaller, necessary things coming together to create a greater thing, inclusive of those bits. I chose the reverse of that saying to represent me because, the way I understand myself is, I parcel the chaos around me and within me, and then part with it. Whether the work departs in the form of a gift, trade, or sale; or departs by being swept off the walls to never again exist in that form, only having been seen by a few; or departs from my hands in order to clear my heart and head space. My work is very cathartic. It takes long hours of drawing (and erasing) ideas on graph paper, pouring over bead colors, repetitively hand-cutting stickynotes, and then slowly, bit by bit, I piece the whole together. A labor of love.
About me, the business:
I am a one-human operation based in Denver, Colorado. Since 2016, I have been installing temporary, stickynote mosaics at spaces and events like: Denver ComicCon, the SIE FilmCenter, and Denver Startup Week. These installations were large pieces, spanning entire walls or covering floor-to-ceiling windows. In 2020, I began experimenting with small-scale picture element art using glass beads. Same concept, different medium. Currently, learning mural painting and tile laying...
Are you seeking an installation artist for:
-pixelated painted murals around your city or on your home walls
-temporary stickynote pieces at galleries
-pixelated logos or interactive murals for events
-wall or window flair at your local business
Please contact: [email protected].
What is posted on this website is jewelry and wall-hangings for sale. All pieces are one-of-a-kind, handcrafted by yours truly, and copyrighted. Follow on Instagram @parcelandpart to view stickynote mural art and current bead projects.
I hope you discover a piece that speaks to you, and that we too connect to make a greater whole.